Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Mac Strobe Cream

I always envied SJP's amazing cheekbones in Sex and the City so I was delighted when I found out she had a little help from Laura Mercier's Secret Finish (oh and Mother Nature). However, as much as I love Laura Mercier, I am also a huge fan of Mac's Strobe Cream. I have been silently using this for a couple of years and even used it on model's back in the day of the regional newspaper magazine fashion and beauty shoots. I noticed, however, that I had failed to write about it and it's many wonders.
1: Mix with moisturiser or foundation for a subtle sheen and gentle boost of skin that may be looking a little sallow.
2: Mix with body moisturiser and pat in over shoulders and décolletage for a sexy shimmer (great with a light tan - no wag mahogany here please)
3: Or do as I do, a la the SJP and gentle pat a small peanut sized blob onto the back of my hand and pat and warm with three fingers. Use these fingers to pat this on the cheekbones - above the blusher and up towards your temples. Ensure you have already applied foundation - I use this as my finishing product. Gentle pt until a subtle sheen is glistening your cheekbones. If you feel the sheen is too much, use the palm of your hand to gently and carefully remove an excess.

Whenever I use this technique I am always complimented on my make-up and asked what highlighter I am using. Hence the reason for this post!
Happy sheening! K

Monday, 27 September 2010

Nat Thakur London

I am a shoe girl. Always have been. I used to own about 120 pairs of shoes of varying descriptions and designers - Topshop, Karen Millen, Kurt Keiger, Ugg, Havaina, Kate Cuba (the KC were the most beautiful clogs..) - mostly of the High Street variety, built up from when I was a trainee journalist spending my ill gotten gains on shoes to make me look a little bit more professional than I was. I worked across news, features and had a double page 'ents' spread every week - allowing me to gain entry to nightclubs and bars across town for free. Fabulous for a 22 year old who had spent the week on death knocks (an unpleasant industry term whereby you have to speak to the family of someone - usually a teenager, husband/wife, or child who had died) so was feeling shitty about intruding on their grieving time and needed to let off steam in super high heels in a nightclub sipping free (many free) cocktails in lieu for PR favours.
Well after the house burnt down (I still cannot find another phrase to describe this) I had to rebuild the shoe collection and along with it, my bag stash.
Having looked back, I now realise I had more designer bags than I did shoes....Miu Miu, Mulberry, Louis Vuitton, Kate Spade...and I have since come to discover an almost equal passion for bags and their family members, as I do shoes.
My latest discovery is Nat Thakur. Her designs are so cute, you can't help but feel a little childish when you look at them. They are definitely a trip to the zoo, date in the park, sexy little restaurant type bag and I love them.
Former experience working with Ghost and Mulberry has lead bespoke designer Nat to create a range of unique and quirky accessories, perfect for adding a little sparkle to your day.
Using leather that is only a bi-product of meat, the leatherwork is really high quality considering the reasonable price. Having been voted number gift by The Indy and having her bags on display at 'Plastic Fantastic' at NESTA, she really is proving that innovation and art go hand in hand. My favourites are: The leather sweet shop clutch bag (from £75) and the Half Crown Purse (from £30) and the smaller leather sweet shop purse (from £30) - all perfect as gifts.
Check out more of Nat Thakur's amazing designs at