Thursday, 24 April 2008

The Pear

Today is busy. I am sorting out a festival survival guide; interviews with beautiful celebs and putting together my festival programme for the Summer.
Working up town it is easy to people-watch - if you haven't indulged in a smidge of people-spotting recently, then get to it.
My god, it is so theraputic.
It helps when you have those days of feeling (and often looking) like a supertramp.
Spot the teenager wearing too much Maybelline with lashings of Collection 2000 mascara - don't forget the electric blue eyeshadow..oh the days of electric blue eyeshadow.
If I rocked up at a party or at work with said shadow on, I would be ignored, trash-eyed and possibly, spat at.
Last week, I attemped a lovely shade of lilac, sent to me by the lovely beauty PR gurus, only to have my pretty-eyes hopes dashed when my other-half said I looked like I needed a slab of meat on my eyes.
Not to mention that fact that the police would be arriving to cart him of to the cells for wifebeating.
I digress...what I mean is, being blue is an often occurance for us women, so a small attempt at curing oneself if people watching.
Check out mummy who needs to learn about VPL and female bankers, who for some reason have no clue how to dress.
I oft board the train home and am horrified at the high-school, cheap, black trousers, complete with heel-rip at the back, teamed with flat, naff "I bought these from Dolcis 10 years ago" loafers.
Just cos Aggy wears em well don't mean you can. My god.
Today: dark denim mini from Topshop; sheer black empire top from Asos; grape-bunch earrings from H&M, black stockings and to finish Christian Lacroix cowboy boots with satin trim. YUM.
Today: Coco pops; coffee, sushi, peppermint tea, pear, peppermint tea....might sneak a Mars in later...
Today: Rolling Stones, She's a Rainbow; David Bowie, Under Pressure and Rebel Rebel; Pharell, Can I have it like that (yes you can you cute lil skater boi)

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