Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Sex and the City 2

Flicking through the Sunday papers is such a relaxing past time and my current favourite...well it has been for sometime, but lots of resonance at present, it The Observer.
Love The New review and this week the Debate Agenda pages included this question:
"Is it time to put Sex and the City out of its misery?"
Eva Wiseman, commissioning editor on the Observer Magazine argued Yes and Jo Elvin, editor of Glamour magazine argued No.
Such an interesting debate, especially among those who were not original SATC fans, but happened upon the first movie and loved it.
I myself, am a huge fan and although many friend will always try and pigeon hole you into one of the characters - are you Carrie, Sam, Miranda or Charlotte, I have always, like a few others, felt a bit like each of them. Sex and PR like Sam - feisty and not afraid of voicing my opinion; journalist and fashion lover like Carrie; a home maker like Charlotte and a smidgen of the seriousness that can often be Miranda. That's why I love the show.

So here are some opinions:

Jess: I will go and see the second film, but I was never a huge fan. I wouldn't go to the cinema to see it. I only go to cinema to see films that I really want to see and rate, SATC doesn't fulfil that. Friday night, wine and the girls, yes, cinema, no.

Sophie: I will be going to see it and I will love it and loved the first one and have watched it loads. I think after this installment it might be time to end it though. I think it is a good thing when you go out on a high, if you did anymore the impact would be diluted and people might not be interested anymore. Why would they do a third? It doesn't need to be dragged out any longer. Don't overdo it. I am sure I will massively enjoy it, but it doesn't need to be dragged on for any longer. Amazing series and then weary film. Not so good.

Shall we watch the film and see what unfolds....? I am excited.....

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